Backyard Bird-inspired Greeting Cards

In addition to Eye on the Sparrow notecards and writing paper, I have a few other images printed as blank greeting cards that also celebrate the winter season. Each of these designs are available as 5″ x 7″ greeting cards, some of them as square cards depending on the image. Visit mty online Marketplace under “wildlife” for details on art, notecards and greeting cards.

pastel sketch of birds in snow

Birds in Snow

These birds were actually pecking around in the snow under a bird feeder, but their random order and little shadows were intriguing. This was done en plein air–but not outside so I wouldn’t cause the birds to fly off.

doves on tree branch

Biding Time

What do doves do all day? Just kind of hang out waiting for something to happen. These doves are hanging out in the maple tree outside my bedroon window. The drawing is done in pencil with very slight watercolor washes to show the bird’s breast tarnish and the slight gather of moss on the tree branch.

ducks on water


These mallards are floating along on Chartiers Creek, which flows through the town I live in and which forms our local watershed. The sky is reflecting on the water’s surface giving it that solid appearance.

pastel sketch of junco on snowy branch


There’s a bird, and there’s snow, and this also happens to be a “snowbird”, or a dark-eyed junco, clinging to a forsythia branch in my backyard.

pastel sketch of blue jays on tree branches

Jammin' Jay Blues

When a bunch of blue jays get together, you know it. This one particular section of a tree in my backyard is a favorite place for jam sessions.

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